Sunday, April 11, 2010

Trying Times

It's been quite a while for me, things have been quite busy/crazy. Last time I wrote, I just just survived P2 "hell week" and was happy to be done. My puppy, Lily, is now starting to let me study a little bit more so I have been able to keep up with material a little bit better. DO NOT GET A PUPPY IN PHARMACY SCHOOL UNLESS YOU HAVE SOMEONE TO HELP YOU!! I would definitely fail everything if it were not for my husband helping me with Lily. She just graduated puppy class today and starts the next level up next week..we are very proud :)

As for school, I have been trying to keep up with ICARE as we go along, but that plan was totally ruined when unpredictable life hit. On April 31st, my grandfather passed away suddenly in his home. I have never experienced the death of someone close to me before, let alone someone in my family (other than my dog growing up - and that's not easy either). It was really hard on me. My mother informed me with the news that night (Wednesday) and told us to stay tuned for funeral plans. That upcoming weekend was Easter so the probability of the funeral falling before that weekend was not likely due to Holy Week. Gannon and I were already planning on traveling home for the holiday, but our plans as to where we were going and for how long changed. Turns out the funeral was on Saturday and the burial on Monday. We left Friday evening and returned Monday night. The weekend was pretty terrible, it is never a good time. But, it set me up for a rough upcoming week. That week after Easter, we had two ICARE exams back to back - Wednesday and Thursday. These exams are not easy and are not ones that should be studied for the night before or even 2 days before...but due to the circumstances, I was pretty much forced to do so. I was not allowed to take either of the exams later according to school policy - if you are not absent on the day of the exam, you will not be able to take it later (NOTE THIS!). I did not know this going into the weekend and returned on Monday to find out I had to cram for 2 ICARE exams. The next couple days were not pleasant but I managed to make it through with better than average grades that I did not expect to achieve. For this I am proud of myself.

Then, to end the week, I was inducted into Rho Chi, which is the honors fraternity in pharmacy school. We had a guest speaker, Dr. Newton (we all love him), and a very nice luncheon that was catered for us and our guests. To get accepted into Rho Chi, you must be in the top 20% of your class. It is a great honor to be in it and I am happy my hard work paid off!

This coming week is flamingo flocking week for my fraternity, Kappa Epsilon. During this week, teachers and students pay KE members to "flock", or set up plastic flamingos, in other teachers or students yards. It's really pretty funny and teachers love it. I'm looking forward to finally having a week of fun and no exams! BUT before that, I have to study for a top200 quiz tomorrow. Time to start...

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