Thursday, March 29, 2012

Are we there yet...??

This is the question every P3 is asking on a regular basis: "Are we there yet?"  It has definitely been a challenge to get this far into pharmacy school, and with rotations just around the corner (in 6 weeks!), we can't wait for this semester to be over.  Yet, the semester is far from over.  We're being challenged more and more with each passing week with final presentations, journal clubs, and new courses (that began after spring break) that seem to become more difficult with each passing semester.  But we all know in the back of our minds that we can definitely finish off strong.  One of our professors gave use a little pep talk the other day, and spoke about how they had seen students in previous years decrease in their efforts of studying as their last P3 semester progressed, and she urged us to press on.  It was actually pretty encouraging.  We need to press on!  Six more weeks!  Six more weeks!  Six more weeks!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

We have what now?

The 2nd semester has started and after last week the P1s are ready for spring break. This semester is more science intensive that most of us enjoy but the pace of exams has increased to very other week. While I enjoy pharmaceutics, studying for a quiz in this class is like studying for an exam since all the material is fair game and the quiz is only 6 questions long. This last week was a bit much. I don't know whether it was preplanned by our professors as a test to determine whether our study habits are adequate or if it was a large coincidence.

    • Monday: Pharmaceutics Practical Exam
    • Tuesday: Pharmacogenomics Exam
    • Thursday: Pharmaceutics quiz
    • Friday: IBHS quiz
    • Monday: IBHS Exam

While most of us are looking forward to summer, some of us P1s (myself included) have decided to pursue our MBA in the joint program here at Shenandoah University. We commit to spending every other weekend in the summer (August is our off month) in P1, P2, P3 years. If anyone is interesting in pursuing their PharmD & MBA together, definitely check out:

The only drawback is that a bachelor's degree is needed to be accepted into the MBA program but the school is willing to work with those who are close to receiving their degree so you can finish coursework before the beginning of your P1 year.

I hope to post more this semester.

Enjoy the warmish 50˚F weather while it lasts.


Monday, February 13, 2012

So it begins again...

We have now entered into the 5th week of the spring 2012 semester at BJD, and we (P1s, P2s, P3s) are not having our first "wave" of exams.  My first exam of the semester was last Thursday and went fairly well for the entire class.  Our next major exam is this Wednesday for iCare: Neuro/Psychiatry, and I'm already feeling very anxious about it.  It's a 3-credit class, which makes it big deal, and we covered a lot of material in the last 4 weeks about sleep disorders and seizure disorders.  It's actually very interested - some of the most interesting material I have studied so far in pharmacy school, which makes me want to be educated about it even more.  I think most of the P3s are on cloud 9 as we think about rotations to come in 3 months, which makes it difficult to motivate ourselves to study this semester.  But we need to do what we need to do to finish this semester off successfully.  3 months sounds so short, yet feels so long!  I hope we make it through this semester quickly and successfully!