Thursday, December 16, 2010

Winter Break! Finally!

Well - that was definitely the hardest semester yet in pharmacy school! The sheer volume of material is what makes it so hard. No more are the days where you can cram IBHS material into 1 weekend as a P1...if you don't start studying for an ID exam at least a week in advance, you can kiss that A good-bye. This winter break is welcomed by myself and my classmates with open arms in hopes that it will last forever! But - the plus is that we are in the homestretch! Only 1 more semester of classes and then we are on to rotations where some of us will stay in Winchester, but some we will have to say good-bye to as they travel to other cluster locations.

During this semester, we ranked our choices for clusters and received our assignments. I am lucky because I am guaranteed the Winchester cluster as I am married, my husband has a job here, and we own our townhouse here. Because of those things, it is silly to send me to a cluster 2 hours away. A lot of classmates put Winchester as a top choice because they won't have to move and find a new place, the faculty are great as preceptors, and the rotations provide a lot of challenge. After clusters are assigned, you have to rank each individual rotation preference within your cluster. Tonight at midnight is the deadline for those rankings...and I believe we find out what our rotations are for sure by Spring break next semester. So - I'll be looking forward to that!

Next semester I've heard is just as tough as this past semester. We have ICARE Musculoskeletal, ICARE GI/Nutrition, and ICARE Neuro/Psych. In addition to those tough classes, we have Pharmacy Law, sterile compounding lab, PK/PGx, Patient Assessment II, IPPE V, and a professional practice selective (mine is Institutional). So - we will see how that goes. I already feel like I am getting a bit of senioritis though as far as the end of classes go. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

As for break, I just finished working every day since finals except 1 for a total of 45 hours and I finally have the next 4 days off to enjoy. For the remainder of break, I'll probably work a little bit more...but I plan on cooking and baking some yummy food, visiting family, and LOVING that I don't have that nagging feeling that there is something that I should be studying!